My dearest Mattie,
First and foremost, I love you. Not just like the regular “I love you” but the kind that you will only understand when you see the sight of your own child. It is the kind of love that melds into every fiber of your being, every nook and cranny of your heart, body and soul. It is indescribable, really. But I wanted to take the time to share a few of my thoughts with you as you enter the world of middle school and high school. It’s tough, kid. It always has been and always will be. Hopefully my words will help.
- Always, always be kind to others. You don’t know when you will need their kindness in return.
- It’s okay to wear your heart on your sleeve. Just remember to take your head with you.
- Follow Your Bliss. Find the one thing you love and have passion for and then go and do that. With all of your heart.
- If you are being bullied. Tell me. Tell someone. Don’t suffer in silence.
- If you see someone being bullied. Do something. Tell someone. Otherwise you are no better than the bully.
- Nothing is ever as bad as it seems. Never. Ever.
- Tomorrow will always come and usually with the light of day, you gain perspective on an otherwise hopeless situation.
- Nothing and I mean NOTHING you could do would ever make me stop loving you.
- Be kind to your elders. Listen to what they have to say. They know our history better than any book could provide you.
- Hold close to the friends that ground you. One day you will understand how valuable they are.
- Dismiss harsh comments said to you. More often than not, they have nothing to do with you and everything to do with the person saying them.
- Confidently chase your dreams. Be aggressive. But don’t be greedy.
- Stay a kid as long as you can. Being an adult will come soon enough and trust me, it’s not always what’s its cracked up to be.
- Keep it simple.
- Run and play as hard as you can now. One day when you are older you will understand how hard it is for me to always keep up with you.
- Smile. Everyday.
- Study Hard. Not just in school, but in life. Being book smart is valuable but so is having common sense and street smarts.
- Hold on to your beliefs and values. It’s the one thing in this world no one can take away from you.
- If a friend is trying to get you to do anything that you know is wrong, they are not your friend.
- As far as girlfriends and sex go. Wait as long as possible. Once you venture down that path, you can never come back. Trust me on this one. It complicates everything.
- Laugh. Everyday.
- If you are sorry, say so.
- If you love someone, tell them.
- If you need to cry, cry. Showing emotion does not make you less of a man.
- If you make a mistake, do your best to correct it.
- If you hurt someone, take immediate steps to heal it.
- Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself. Dismiss those that don’t.
- Remember that it is more honorable to fail than to cheat.
- Be creative. In whatever way you can.
- It is okay to take when you are in need, but always find a way to give back more than you take.
- Be Happy. You only get one life. Make it worthwhile.
Well, my son, I know there are probably a million other things I could say; a million other tidbits of advice I could offer but I know that you will do your best to find your own way, to learn in your own time. Know that as you grow, and become the person you are meant to be, I will always be here for you. Always and forever. You are my guiding star and the truest love of my life. Be well, my son. Have a wonderful and safe journey. I love you.
Love Mom