Saturday, February 13, 2016

The Upside of Anger

I made it through the holidays by the skin of my teeth. I usually go all out decorating and baking because it’s my absolute favorite time of the year. I am usually filled with happiness and the magic of the season. But not this year. This year I put on a happy face for everyone but inside I am dying. This year everything was different. Not only am I without my mother for the first time but this may be the last year I have Mattie under this roof, waking up with him on Christmas morning. Furthermore, Tom and I are just growing more distant. We are virtual strangers and I can hardly stand it anymore. Days pass and we barely utter a word to one another. We are roommates sharing a house but even roommates share some kind of intimacy. Between us, there is nothing.


I have learned not to cry. I have learned not to care. I have learned to live with the silence that was once deafening to me. I have learned to become angry. It is the only way I have managed to stay sane in a house that fills me with nothing but craziness. It is the upside of anger. It is the benefit of rage, of not caring. I am able to walk around and not give a shit about what he is doing, where he is going, when he is coming home. I have learned to tune everything out simply because I no longer care. It’s not to say that I don’t care about him. I’m sure I still do, somewhere deep inside. I care about his safety when he is working a job he hates. But he stopped caring about me and my feelings a very long time ago and to manage my pain and to stay in this house, to stay married to him for as long as I have, I had to become him. I had to become angry.


I’ve come to terms with this new me. I don’t think anyone has really noticed it except Tom. Maybe because I don’t need to be this me with anyone but him. I’m hyper vigilant, untrusting, irritated, resentful and downright pissed off all of the time. I guess I just got tired of pulling the entire emotional weight of this marriage. I’ve been doing it for nearly 6 years and frankly, I’m exhausted. I cannot do it anymore. It has taken the greatest toll on my heart for I no longer believe in him or us. I have absolutely nothing left to give. I am now as absent as Tom has been for the past 6 years and I’m okay with it.


What I’ve come to realize since my mom’s death is that life is so fucking short and that I deserve to be happy. She always told me so but I guess I never really believed that until now. I was so focused on Tom and Mattie, making sure they had everything they needed. And that if somehow I was a good mother, a devoted wife that happiness would be earned like a medal of honor that I could pin to my chest to show the world that I was good enough, that I had done right by my family. That for all my trying, I would get back a portion of the happiness I had given. But sadly, life doesn’t work that way. I have given everything of myself to the two people who have meant the most to me and although watching Mattie grow into a strong, intelligent young man who is well on his way to adulthood, is rewarding, it is simply not enough for me anymore. And every day, as I watch him gain more independence, I look around and wonder what is left for me here, in this house, after he is gone. What will become of me here? My purpose will be gone. My job. My reason for staying, will be gone. Tom has given me nothing of himself, showed me nothing. Our marriage, our life together is a joke. It is based on absolutely nothing. Built on dreams of a life he never really wanted and promises never intended to keep.


I promised myself I wouldn’t cry anymore. Secretly, I long to, each and every day. But my anger keeps me in check. It simply won’t let me betray myself in that way. It’s been too much hurt; far too many nights my cries were ignored. Far too many nights my pleas fell on deaf ears. So I will sit with my anger until it passes; until the anger turns to acceptance. Until I can look at Tom without seeing resentment. Until I can see him as just a man who made mistakes, who didn’t mean to hurt me. Until I can forgive him for letting me down, for letting Mattie down. Until I can stop blaming him for turning me into someone I hate.


Every day, I am still trying. Trying to figure out my place in this mess. And my responsibility. I don’t blame Tom for everything although it sounds like I do. I’m just stuck in the bitterness instead of the sorrow. It’s not where I want to be, it’s where I need to be, for now. The loneliness over the last several years nearly destroyed me and has leveled what little confidence I have left. So it seems far less toxic sitting with the animosity, having it resonate through my body, feeling the power of it instead of the crushing blow of disappointment. It’s the upside of anger and it’s where I belong.